And it would not be humanly possible for me to care any less about that!
Maybe I'm just lazy, but I get up every Monday-Friday at 4:30am so I can be at my desk by 6am. Today? There was no way I was getting up out of my nice warm bed and venturing out in the cold, dark morning. I have no spirit of adventure. I can't help it.
Besides, every year since we had our little townhouse in Winterville, NC my children and I have spent the day after Thanksgiving decorating our house for Christmas. The Girl child is already wearing her coat and gloves, in anticipation (but did ask if she could finish watching her TiVo'd episode of The Simpsons before we got started) because all of our decorations are in our "basement". Which is, unfortunately, a glorified crawl space which we can't access without walking outside.
So that is our day. That, and hoping that the Girl Child's glasses come. My baby needs to see!
Black Friday is probably the silliest thing. I don't know why people do it, but I never have gone and I don't really think I'm missing anything. LOL Good for you for enjoying your nice warm bed on your day off! :) Have fun decorating! I hope we'll be doing the same today.
There is nothing better in the whole world than listening to the verbal commentary of the first 1/2 hour after a child puts on their very first pair of glasses!
Oh my goodness, I am SO looking forward to what she has to say when she gets the glasses on. When BC got his, he looked around and was AMAZED. It was the cutest thing EVER. I can't wait for the Girl to get to experience the same thing!
I'm with you, I could care less about Black Friday, not because I get up super early and work crazy hard the rest of the week like you but I'm just plain lazy all the
Hope girl child loves her glasses.
Black, have never done it. Being in crowds of grabby entitled people tends to bring out my homicidal urges...
I hope your decorating/hanging out et al. is fun and enjoyable!
I hope you enjoyed your day of holiday decorating!
We shopped last year on BF, but didn't feel like anything was really worth it. Although, we didn't do the crazy stand in line all night thing. So this year, we skipped out on the crowds to stay home and decorate.
Black Friday, been there, done that, HATED EVERY MINUTE!
My T-day weekend is all about holiday decorating too. It's all up right now and it's glorious!
Count me in on the "didn't shop on Black Friday" list, too. I would say that we decorated, but everything we've decorated so far has been dutifully UN-decorated by our 2 cats. So....yeah.
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