Tuesday, December 31, 2024



In 2022 my brother died by suicide and I remember so clearly the feeling of panic and despair on New Years Eve. I didn’t want 2022 to end, even though it was the most awful year of my life, because it felt very deeply like that year ending took me further away from my brother.

2023 felt very similar and now 2024 is coming to a close.
Yesterday morning I was out walking, as I do most days. This walk felt especially sad. 2024 was an extremely discouraging year and the disappointments have stacked up on me lately. I have come to realize that I put too much time and effort into certain relationships that aren't healthy. I've done this time and again over the years, it's never worked out for me, and yet here I am fully forty-nine years old and still trying. I didn't win the big award at work...again. I didn't get the promotion that I deserve either. Despite all my hard work, I am still not Beyonce and it seems really unfair for me to put as much time and effort into my workouts and eating as I do and still be so absolutely mid.
It's more than that too, of course. It always is.
I am worried about my children. As usual.  I want everything for them and the world around them seems blindingly unfair. I worry about my nieces and nephews, particularly the ones who share the most with me...the ones who have become my bonus kids. I want everything for them too. I worry about our country and the direction we are headed. I almost completely avoid social media and news, but the news I have seen and heard has been troubling. 
Also? I miss my brother. He loved Christmas. He loved me. It feels lonely and hard without him and it's never going to get better. No one ever asks me how I am. They ask how my parents are and I'm sure they are not great and will never be great again. I am also not great but it doesn't matter. My grief is mine and that's it.  It's been almost three years and my grief only matters to me now. The passing of each year just reminds me how much further away he is and I hate it. I hate it so much.
I paused to take a photo of the sunrise and in that moment I had the most overwhelming feeling of peace. 
You aren’t walking further away from him. You are walking toward him.

I can't fix any of this. I can't bring him back. I can't change the world or the country or even the minds of people who have lost them. My grief is mine alone and I can't make anyone else care about it. I'm a fixer, I always have been, and it's almost overwhelming to me sometimes that I cannot figure out a solution for any of this.
I will be 50 in 2025 and if I am anything like the women on both sides of my family this means I have at least 40 years of my life left to life. I fully intend to live these years as big and bold as I have lived the last ten, but thinking that I am walking towards that beautiful light that made up my sweet brother gives me so much hope. 

It was a gift to walk alongside him while he was here. I did not realize I was walking him home. Not then.

I don't have to fix everything.

I just have to keep walking.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

1000 days

 I bought myself the good coffee last week.

The good coffee that I usually have as a treat to myself, that I make in the special machine bought for me by my sweet nephew and his precious wife. I never let myself drink it every day, because it's special and every day could not be special.

Last week though? I restocked the good coffee.

I am incredibly disappointed in humanity as a whole, but I ignore that a lot. It's not up to me to deal with the repercussions of anyone else's choices. I'm in my healing era and that's where I need to be. 

I don't go to church anymore. I haven't for a long time and maybe won't ever again. I stopped finding God there.


I do sit with the broken though, because I believe that is God in his purest form. I believe that is where God commands us to be. With the broken.

With the brokenhearted.


The friend who lost a beloved pet. Another friend who is worried for his marriage. A lady who, quite frankly, really didn't like me at first and made that very known, who hugged my neck on Saturday because I heard her. I heard her pain. 

I feel her pain.

1000 days have passed since my brother Chris left this Earth and lately, sharply, I feel this. 

Someone I know very gently suggested to me that perhaps I was still too mired in grief and maybe I should seek additional therapy for that. 

It was meant kindly and I know this.

The reality is though that this grief is an appropriate amount of grief for losing someone that important. I told many people (but not him, which I will forever regret) that the last few years of my life he'd become my best friend. He was my first friend. I took for granted he would always be there. There will never be a day I live that I will not think of him. There will never be a day I live that I don't miss him.

Life goes on for me, even though I am broken. 


So I buy the good coffee. I tell my friends that I love them. I take my dog on long walks, breathing in every bit of the world around me. I have dinner with my kids and we talk about anything. Everything. They have a safe mom and there is nothing more important to me than that.

I can't bring back my lost brother. 

I can just work on not getting too lost myself.

Friday, November 8, 2024

When days are hard.

I think dogs were made for hard days. 

Dogs and trees.

Somehow talking to either of those helps. I'm not always sure how it helps or how much it helps, but it does something for my soul.

Some days I have to remind myself that it's important that I am here.

Even when it feels very unimportant. 

Even when it feels incredibly lonely and fragile.

I am here.

If nothing more than to make sure a little black dog has her dinner and her cuddles. I am here for that.

Some days I have to remind myself that for every bad person, every person that is trouble, there are more that are not. 

The bad ones don't win, even when it feels like they do. 

No matter how loud and mean they are.

(and they are so loud and so, so mean)

That I am made of stars and I know other people who are too. 

I get to love people who are made of stars.

Dogs are also made of stars. 

So are trees.

They don't talk back, but they listen.



Some days when it all feels too much, I remind myself of what I've come to know and understand.

That my spirit deeply disturbs unhealed people.

That I can't heal people.

That it's important to never dim my spirit because of those unhealed people.



Some days when it's all too hard, I think about Chris. My brother who has been gone from me for 996 days.

He was also made of a million stars.

His were supernovas, unlike mine, which are just regular and quiet.

I think about how some people would have thought he was trouble, but how I knew the truth. 

That people are complex and lots of things.

No one all good or all bad.

His spirit disturbed people too. 

Some days I am just hanging on, waiting for other days.

Some days I am full of the light of possibilities and love and goodness.

Most days I'm somewhere in-between.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rejoice for we are different than the rest.

I'm mostly off social media these days. It's nice.

My brother Chris really enjoyed arguing with people online. Although he and I had many things in common, this was not a trait we shared. I don't like arguing with anyone, ever. I especially don't enjoy arguing with people who are pathologically incapable of hearing the truth. There are a lot of those people.

Alas, my brother enjoyed arguing. Reveled in it. 

I miss my brother, so I've spent a lot of time the last few years finding him online. Wherever he left little pockets of humor or rage, I would seek them out. I'm sure I've not found everything, but I have found a lot. One of the places I found him was on the utter cesspool that used to be called Twitter and is now called X.  I have an account there which I intend to delete. He had an account there. We did not follow each other and I honestly did not know his account existed until after he died. I never post there. I never even go there, it's so awful.

But I've been there lately. Trying to archive and preserve the things he said. 

A lot of it is hilarious. A lot of it is really, really sad. He was so broken about a lot of the things happening around him. Like me, he was baffled by a lot of it- how things could be so different than everything we held true. Some of it is very hard to read. Some of it makes me laugh until I cry. All of it makes me miss him. 

A lot of the "people" he argued with were probably bots. Many, however, were men who wrote in all capital letters in their bios that they were things like FATHERS, PATRIOTS, and CHRISTIAN MEN. It was especially amusing to see the Christian men all call my brother a bunch of swear words and things like "faggot" (especially when he, remarkably, didn't use any swear words at them). I'm sure Jesus thinks that's cool. Calling people untrue slurs and swearing at them is surely somewhere in the Bible that most of them have never read.

There was a theme that emerged pretty quickly to me and it was that these men, unquestionably, without ANY hesitation or doubt, WOULD LITERALLY DIE FOR THEIR FAMILIES. Emphasis theirs. 

Which, okay. On it's face that sounds fine. Even logical. As someone who wanted to run over a bunch of middle school delinquents who were mercilessly picking on my then eight-year old son, I get that. You want to defend the people you love.

But this, dear readers? This is a very, very specific death. One that requires them having a literal shootout with someone who is in the process of raping/kidnapping/murdering/sex trafficking their wife, children, and possibly the family dog.

Which...also, okay. I don't want anyone I love to be raped/kidnapped/murdered/or sex trafficked. That all sounds real bad.


I like to deal in reality though, and the really, really real reality is: the chance of being kidnapped by someone other than a non-custodial parent (which is a whole other problem) in the United States is super low. Approaching a 1 in a million chance.

1 is too many. I am not disagreeing with that. But declaring that you are WILLING TO DIE TO DEFEND YOUR CHILD FROM BEING KIDNAPPED when you, my brother in Christ, will not even fake a smile in the pumpkin patch photo that your wife had to beg you to be in? You are really saying you are willing to die for this family that you can't even pretend to enjoy spending time with?


Okay, so maybe kidnapping is a bad example. 1 in a million and all. So let's talk about rape. Rape is really, really horrible. I don't want anyone of any age ever to experience rape. Even one rape is far too many.

The statistics on rape are worse than kidnapping, unfortunately. One in 9 girls and one in 20 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual assault. 

And...93% of children who are raped know their perpetrator. 59% are acquaintances (a lot are clergy and teachers although a lot of you aren't ready for that conversation) and a STAGGERING 34% are family members- 88% male.

Again, this is not a problem that seems to be solvable with gun violence or anyone having a shootout to the death. This is more of a, "hey, Bill thinks it's really funny to say you should grab women by the pussy and hits on women who are young enough to be his daughter, so let's not be friends with Bill because BILL SUCKS ASS and is not a safe person."

I continue to be baffled as to why this is controversial. A lot of people think it's weak or sad or whatever to avoid being friends with people who have "differing opinions" but if someone's "differing opinions" are that women have less value or "deserve what they get" or that it's "okay" to assault a child because the devil made you do it and then you asked for forgiveness later or something then let me assure you it's totally fine and okay and acceptable to tell that person to kick rocks in to Hell and never speak to them again. In fact, I beg of you to do this. Remember, you are TOTALLY WILLING TO DIE to defend these children, right? So how about, I don't know, just not bringing around people who don't respect women when you have a wife and daughters? How about cutting off family members and not letting your precious child around them? How about being present and safe and real in their lives and not acting like any time you spend with them is the biggest slog ever? That seems much more effective. 

I know what some of you are thinking. Sex trafficking! I'LL DIE DEFENDING MY CHILD AGAINST A SEX TRAFFICKER. No one is going to snatch my child out of the cart at the Target or there will be HELL TO PAY.

I mean, that's really, really good news as far as I'm concerned and I fully support you on that. Sex traffickers suck and should all be in prison. Period, full stop. Hell, if I saw YOUR kid and somebody was trying to snatch them, the person trying to take them would have to go through me too, and I'm really strong. I can deadlift a lot, so it would super tough for the trafficker. I don't even know your kid and I would do that.

MORE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU: The most likely victims of sex trafficking? Are kids who run away. And since you're willing to LITERALLY DIE for your kids, then there is a really good chance you are going to do everything you can to make their life one they don't want to run away from, right? Like,  you'll listen and help them with homework. You'll make pancakes on Saturday mornings and you'll go to soccer games. If they tell you they are gay you won't tell them they are going to Hell. If they come out as trans you'll love them just the same. If they get in a relationship with someone older who is abusive you'll help them get out and tell them they don't deserve that. You'll be at their graduation, you'll encourage them to go to college, you'll be involved and loving and do ALL THE THINGS. Because you're LITERALLY WILLING TO TAKE UP ARMS FOR THEM so why wouldn't you do all these (arguably much easier and more fun) things?


These examples are all pretty dramatic, aren't they? Let's take it a step back.

So you know how many kids get sick and die every year from not washing their hands well? SO MANY. AN INSANELY HIGH NUMBER. Are you willing to help your kids stand at the sink a billion times a day and sing the Happy Birthday Song while they scrub-a-dub-dub? 

That doesn't sound fun, right? I get it. It's totally not. It's not fun at all. It's not exciting. It's super boring and literally no one enjoys doing it.

 It's real though. Things like that are real and they really happen and they are a pretty big threat to little kids.

Are you only willing to arm yourself to the teeth for some fictional scenario that has a SUPER low chance of ever happening?


Unless...and I'm just spitballing here, you AREN'T really willing to die for these kids? Or your wife? This family that you're beating your chest about on social media?


Because are you living for them?


Honest question.


Are you showing up for them on a daily basis? Are you expecting your wife to do everything while you sit in the recliner after work because you're tired, even though she's tired too? Do you know how to make a doctor's appointment? Do you know your child's teachers name and how to contact them? What about the medicine they take and what it's for? Are you defending your children in those ways?

In the United States, guns are the leading cause of death among children age 1-18. Are you willing to keep your guns secured? Are you willing to teach your children proper gun safety? Super importantly, if your child shows signs of mental illness and asks you for help (or doesn't ask for help- you have to accept the signs that your child needs help), are you willing to get them the help they need? Even if it's embarrassing for you? Even if your church tells you to just pray it away?

Are you voting for candidates that care about your children's education? The rights of your daughters? The environment? All the things that need to be sustained long after you are dead and gone and can no longer defend anyone against anything?

 All of these things matter. All of these things are defending your family.


I suppose I can understand why some people would think dying in a blaze of gunfire defending your family is the perfect way to die. I mean, I don't want that for myself, but I can see the value in things I don't want for myself. You'd be a hero, clearly.


But I promise you, in your children's eyes, you can be a hero without all of this.

Imagine how beautiful it could be if you died peacefully at a very old age. Your children around you saying things about how you kept them safe and taught them independence. Sharing family photos of you smiling, laughing, and being a present, loving parent. Talking about your silly dad jokes and how you told them when they got married that if things ever got bad they could always come home. How dad loved you through all your trials and struggles, your crazy haircuts, the time you crashed the car, or when you called him when you were in trouble.

Men like this are heroes. Their children will remember them as heroes.



For those men online who tried (unsuccessfully) to bully my brother? I hope they heal. I mean that. I honestly hope they are able to find healing in this world. If not for them, but for their wives and children. 


But honestly? For them too. I really want that for them.


I'm sorry that the world made any of us feel like it's not okay to just love and be loved. That somehow they got the idea that being a man means violence. That maybe they don't understand, and maybe no one ever told them, that real men listen and care. I don't know how hard it is to be a man, but I do know how hard it is to be a human being. I'm sorry for everyone who has ever been made to feel less than because they didn't fit into some arbitrary mold that someone else decided on a long time ago.

The good news is, we can all do better. We all can.

Every day I think about my brother and how his life could have been different. Every day I appreciate him for the lessons he taught me and the things he (still, even now) makes me think about every day.

I hope he's proud of me, even if I was never good at arguing with people online.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


I used to want to be thin. Skinny.

I thought about it all the time when I was fat.

(It's okay to say I was fat. I'm saying it. It's just a descriptive word, not an indictment of who I am as a person.)

I realized when no one could remember me that what I really wanted was to be invisible. 

People only remembered me because I was fat. I hated that. Then when I wasn't fat anymore people never remembered me. They would introduce themselves to me even though we'd already met. I could walk through the airport and be totally nondescript. I was completely, 100% forgettable and it was the best. The absolute best.

I just wanted to be invisible. For a very long time that’s all I wanted. 

I don't know when I decided I wanted to be strong. 

It honestly didn't make sense for me. I had spent literal years, honestly most of my life, trying to be smaller. Trying to be less. I was too much and I knew I was too much. Everyone around me knew I was too much. I just wanted to be smaller and shrink and go away.

And one day I decided I didn't want to shrink into myself. 

One day I decided I was just so damn tired of making myself so small. 

One day I said…this isn’t me. This will never be me. I am tired of trying to be something I am not.

“Don’t lift too much!” people (mostly men) say. “You’ll get bulky!”

I haven’t. 

But if I did, that would be okay.

When my brother died I felt completely powerless. Hopeless. Alone. 

I remember thinking I couldn’t imagine walking back into the gym. It was hard so many days for me to even imagine getting out of bed. It’s still hard sometimes.

But I did. 

I keep getting up. I keep going.

Over and over until it was less hard. Over and over until I felt stronger. Over and over until I could walk tall, with purpose. I’m not shrinking. I am not disappearing. 

I found friends and community. I step in front of classes or one-on-one with others and I can lead them. I have been where they are. I have been far further in the depths than many. None of this is easy for me, and I know it’s not easy for them. As a trainer, I work specifically with people who are morbidly obese or have mobility issues. I know how much they want to shrink. I know I have to show them how strong they are. 

I will be 49 soon and I am delighted by this. I love getting older. I love standing taller. I love feeling like I can lift a horse over my head. I love walking into a room, a meeting, or a discussion and feeling like I belong. 

I love being remembered for having strong arms. 

I love being recommended because I make people smile and feel welcome and included. 

I will never be what the world considers thin. I will never be a bikini competitor. I will never be a perfect eater and I will always be pigeon-toed. 

But I will be strong.

I will cheer for you as you realize your strength. 

I am so, so thankful I get to live this life.