Friday, January 22, 2010

Turns green and falls off, I said.

Let's just file this one under D for DUH. Or maybe DOUCHEFACE.

And you know? He sucked bad enough that he cheated on his wife. He sucks so hard because SHE HAD BREAST CANCER. He sucks SO FREAKING BAD that he lied and lied and LIED about it. But you know what?

There is a special place in Hell for people who deny their children.

Put your toast panties on John Edwards. For reals.


Jenski said...

I heard his lawyer on the radio last night saying that John's life has become a trainwreck (no kidding) and that he is hurting and the reason that he didn't just come out and tell all when he first fessed up is because he was trying to consider all those involved first. Ummmm...What ever happened to not doing stupid stuff in the first place?

Danielle said...

I KNEW this post would be coming any minute!!! I hope his peen falls off.

Kris said...

Hahaha. I just love reading the posts like this :)

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

You nailed it, girlfriend. Totally.

Julie Willis said...

I think E made him own up! She's tooo good to him!

Sarah @ Mum In Bloom said...

Ha! Ha! Great post. Thanks for visiting my blog today. Say it like you feel it girl ;o)

Empresschrys said...