Monday, December 11, 2023

I've been everywhere, man.

 February- Las Vegas, Nevada



April- Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

May- Nebo, North Carolina

May- San Diego, California

July- Punta Cana, The Dominican Republic

September- Boston, Massachusetts

October- Cancun, Mexico

November- Dallas, Texas

2023 was a year of deep grieving and self-reflection. It was also a year of joy, love, wonderful friendships, and so much laughter.

I am insanely, incredibly blessed and I think about that every single day of my life.

I appreciate all of you who are still here, still reading, and still cheering me on.


Jill said...

The tropical drink picture of you and hubby is absolutely stunning. I am jealous in a not weird way. Yowza!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures and memories