Thursday, November 21, 2013

Identity crisis. Or whatever.

Someone told me today that my kids were too old for me to be considered a "Mommy Blogger".

Which is really just ridiculous. I mean, Ginger will only be 8 next month. For Heavens sake. I'm the only mom she has.

Look at her! Just a baby! She doesn't wear diapers though, so maybe that's the problem.

(Also? She apparently finds this hilarious)

I can't be a fashion blogger either.I'm not good at that. I mostly just wear yoga pants and various Star Wars t-shirts. Except when I do things like this:

Which is awful, by the way. Just awful.  Also, I don't have anyone in my life willing to take eleven photographs of me in various poses to show off my outfits. I'm not popular.

I can't be a food blogger. My food is ugly, but tasty. Except this bread. This bread is beautiful.

I guess I'll just write some crap every now and then. You can read it, if you want. If you don't, that's okay.


Unknown said...

You're a blogger, plain & simple (& awesome). Why complicate things with extra words in the title?? I'll read, whatever you call yourself.

And um, you look fan-freaking-tastic in that selfie. So proud of you & all your hard work!

Bethany said...

I love your crap and will read it.

Lynn said...

Oh, I do the same thing. My blog started out as a firefighting blog, and while that still keeps me employed, doesn't seem to interest too many people. I'm not a food blogger because I don't care too much about food, I just eat it. I also am not a healthy eating blog because hello, birthday cake oreos? I don't have kids. I write about running sometimes but I can't be a running blogger because I've been running since I was 14, kind of over talking about it. So I just write about whatever. My mom and my aunt read it. Keep writing. I enjoy your blog!

val said...

I'll be there.

Jill said...

people are stupid
bless their hearts

dspence said...

I *LOVE* that outfit!!!

Kristy said...

You look so freaking wonderful.

Also you are an author (who's book was super funny BTW) who happens to blog about her life. How's that for a category.

Also you are fashionable. I follow you on Pinterest. I should know.

little red hen said...

You, m'dear, are a hilarity blogger. Which means you can write about whatevah you want. The end!

Oh! And? I love you and that outfit!

little red hen said...

You, m'dear, are a hilarity blogger. Which means you can write about whatevah you want. The end!

Oh! And? I love you and that outfit!