Or at least, I used to.
Before I discovered the joy of my new secret boyfriend, Sam.

Please let me assure you that this photo does not do justice to the hotness that is Sam.
In fact? Even though I'm probably a dirty old woman because I'm a good ten years older than him and drool over him and his rapidly developing six pack on a weekly basis, I've even changed my television watching habits because of the sheer hotness that is, in fact, Sam.
Mainly, when they start to do the dramatic weigh-in and even though I know it's coming, I just let it play. No fast-forwarding.
Boy Child, as is typical, noticed. Even asked why I wasn't fast-forwarding. And because I'm clearly the best mom ever of all time I told him,
"So I can stare at Sam's chest some more."
To which he replied,
"God, mom. Get another hobby."
I'm thinking that's probably a good idea.
Sam really is quite scrumptious and delicious, isn't it????!
Dude! And I've LOOOOOOONG suspected that he and Stephanie are a couple on the show. And guess what I just read?? Sherry from the show confirming it!
Please don't tell BC about my (our) obsession with Vincent?! Not sure I can handle the humiliation.
I just wanted to tell you (you probably know already from my FB stream from a few weeks ago though) that he is taken...by Stephanie.
It's nice to watch him develop though! Hot is right! (not a bad hobby to have)
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